Working with conversation

Working With Conversation

This feature is only available in tgsnake version 3.3.0 or latest. This feature is currently in testing which may be unstable.

Conversation is a feature that works to wait for a response from the person you are talking to, like a conversation in the real world.
This conversation works with a chat id, so that anyone in the chat group can answer the ongoing conversation.

USER                : <sending message to trigger conversation>
           ---   triggering start conversation       ---
|------> |- CLIENT  : <sending response to USER>
|        | ---   CLIENT waiting response from USER   ---
|------• |- USER    : <sending response to CLIENT>
           ---   conversation ended                  ---

By using conversations, the client application you create will look interactive.

You can find this conversation feature in <client>. conversation

import { Snake } from 'tgsnake';
const client = new Snake();
const conversationManager = client.conversation;

<client>.conversation will be return ConversationManager.

class ConversationManager<T> {
  create(peer: bigint): Conversation<T> {}
  remove(peer: bigint): boolean {}


create(peer: bigint): Conversation<T> {}

This function is uses for creating conversation in given peer (chat id).
This function will be return Conversation class which is can waiting any response.

type ConversationWaitFilterFn<T> = (context: T) => boolean;
class Conversation<T> {
  wait<K extends keyof FilterContext>(key: k, filter?: ConversationWaitFilterFn);

wait function in the Conversation class it is used to wait for a response from the other side.

  • key
    Like <client>.on, the key here is the type of event that must be waited for, if appropriate it will return the event as a resolve from promise.
  • filter
    Apart from the key, this filter function is useful for selecting whether the current event is as expected. The filter function must return a boolean (true or false) and is not an async function.


remove(peer: bigint): boolean {}

This function is uses for removing any conversation in given peer (chat id).
This function will be return true if the chat have the active conversation and will be return false if the chat haven’t the active conversation.


import { Snake } from 'tgsnake';
const client = new Snake();
client.cmd('start', async (ctx) => {
  const conversation = client.conversation.create(;
  await ctx.message.reply('Input A');
  const response_1 = await conversation.wait('msg.text');
  await response_1.message.reply('Input B');
  const response_2 = await conversation.wait('msg.text', (update) => {
    if (update.message.text.toLowerCase() === 'b') {
      return true;
    update.message.reply('Input B');
    return false;