Working with formating options

Working With Formating Options

Formating options (parse mode) tgsnake uses @tgsnake/parser as a framework for parsing text.
We have 2 parse mode first html and markdown.


**>expandable blockquote


<!-- bold text -->
<!-- italic text -->
<!-- strikethrough text -->
<!-- mono text -->
<!-- code block -->
  <code language-javascript >pre</code>
<!-- text with link -->
<a href="link">text</a>
<!-- underline text -->
<!-- mark text as spoiler -->
<span class="tg-spoiler">spoiler</span>
<!-- customize emoji (premium emoji) -->
<tg-emoji id="1"
    <span id="1" class="tg-emoji"
        <!-- blockquote -->
        <blockquote expandable>expandable blockquote</blockquote></span

For further information, please read the comparison table below.

Entities TypeMarkdown styleHTML styleDescription
Bold*text*<b>text</b> or <strong>text</strong>
Italic__text__<i>text</i> or <em>text</em>
Strikethrough~~text~~<s>text</s> or <del>text</del>
Pre```text```<pre><code>text</code></pre> or <pre language-javascript><code>text</code></pre>
Link[text](link)<a href="link">text</a>You can fill the link params with tg://user?id=123456 for mentioning user and tg://emoji?id=123456 for custom emoji.
Spoiler||text||<spoiler>text</spoiler> or <sp>text</sp> or <tg-spoiler>text</tg-spoiler> or <span class="tg-spoiler">text</span>
Custom Emoji[text](tg://emoji?id=123456)<tg-emoji id="123456">text</tg-emoji> or <emoji id="123456">text</emoji> or <span class="tg-emoji" id="123456">text</span>HTML tag has 2 way to define the emojiId. First using id attribute and seconds use emojiId attribute.

Escaping content.

To prevent content from being parsed as formatted text, you can follow these instructions.

On markdown mode, escaping content with add backslash (\) before markdown syntax.

'\\**>expandable blockquote';

On html mode, escaping content with replace < to &lt; , > to &rt; , & to &amp;

"&lt;b&rt;bold&lt;/b&rt;" || "&lt;strong&rt;bold&lt;/strong&rt;"
"&lt;i&rt;italic&lt;/i&rt;" || "&lt;em&rt;italic&lt;/em&rt;"
"&lt;s&rt;strike&lt;/s&rt;" || "&lt;del&rt;strike&lt;/del&rt;"
"&lt;pre&rt;&lt;code&rt;pre&lt;/code&rt;&lt;/pre&rt;"  || "&lt;pre&rt;&lt;code language-javascript &rt;pre&lt;/code&rt;&lt;/pre&rt;"
"&lt;a href="link"&rt;text&lt;/a&rt;"
"&lt;spoiler&rt;spoiler&lt;/spoiler&rt;" || "&lt;sp&rt;spoiler&lt;/sp&rt;" || "&lt;tg-spoiler&rt;spoiler&lt;/tg-spoiler&rt;" || '&lt;span class="tg-spoiler"&rt;spoiler&lt;/span&rt;'