Gracefully stop

Gracefully Stop

Gracefully stop or shutdown is a function where when a kill signal is received, the program will complete its final mission before the program stops completely.
This can ensure that the client has been disconnected completely and all sessions and cache have been stored in the database.
Therefore, you must install the shutdown function.

import { shutdown } from 'tgsnake';

In this shutdown function, you can install more than 1 client.

shutdown(client1, client2, client3);

In v2 this function is integrated directly into the Snake class and can’t be disable, which will take up a lot of resources (memory leak) because each client has its own event listener for SIGTERM and SIGINT signals.

  experimental: {
    shutdown: false; // to disable built-in event listener

If you don’t install this function for the client, what will happen is:

  • Your cache is not updated to database of session you are using, for example you use @tgsnake/redis-session
  • It is possible that your login session is not saved in the database of the session you are using, for example you use @tgsnake/redis-session.
  • Your connection with the Telegram server is not completely closed. This may cause Telegram to ban you.

You can create your own shutdown function by adding an event handler to the SIGTERM or SIGINT signals. Then call the stop function in the client.